
I offer 3 individual coaching programs to adults 35+, as well as consultation, speaking, & education opportunities. My knowledge base integrates brain & cognitive science, mindfulness practices, and well-being research. My approach emphasizes RESILIENT (a 5-part framework) living.

All coaching programs entail a systematic approach to:

Identify your priority needs

Gain insight around how your unique brain functioning tendencies impact how you’re living

Analyze the obstacles holding you back

Clarify your current & ideal supports

Create & adjust (as needed) your personalized progress plan

I use various assessments to help illuminate patterns, as well as a structured inquiry process + reflection.
Clients are given between-session assignments to keep their learning active and grounded in real life.

Coaching | Awareness Program

A fundamental aspect of Resilient living is knowing how to keep yourself adequately resourced through a responsive practice of self-care.

This 6- week program is designed to help you: reduce overwhelm, enhance your self-care practices, & gain a deeper understanding about how your body and mind function best. In addition, you will become aware of your personal Touchstone Tactics for getting yourself “back on track” quickly to avoid future overwhelm.

Coaching | Growth Program

Resilient brain wellness requires additional insight around your brain wiring needs & tendencies, to properly care for how you function so that you flourish with the brain you have. We now know how what we think, feel, & do are interconnected to shape how we live.

In this 9- week program, you will discover your personal brain wiring needs, obstacles, & strengths, so that you can cultivate a way of life that best supports you AND an analysis of your existing and ideal reinforcements- what keeps you clear, strong, & ready?

Our work together will culminate in a life navigation plan offering: greater understanding of your wholeness, customized Success Strategies for managing your biggest cognitive concerns, & the adoption of brain-healthy habits to improve how you live.

Coaching | Flow Program

Deeply hidden “schemas”/limiting beliefs can undermine your full functioning by obscuring your truth. They sow the seeds of feeling like you "can’t”, keeping aspects of brain functioning hidden, and believing “I’m too ___ to ___”.  These can be self-generated or received as messages from others.

In this 6-week advanced program (completion of the Personal Growth program is required), we identify your unique schemas, and explore their impact on your whole-person functioning. We rework unhelpful thoughts, as well as test new possibilities for thinking, feeling, & behaving.

By the end, you will have clarity about how your brain functions best. You will know how to go with YOUR flow more resiliently, by embodying your Essentials, recognizing the signs that discerning action is needed, and properly preparing for your next best steps. Please note that this is not therapy; it's goal-directed coaching to help you integrate Resilient Living principles into your life.

Consultation & Education

Leilani enjoys sharing research to help others grow. Some areas of focus include:

* improving cognitive overwhelm

* how working memory works and neuro-diverse executive functioning

* doable resilient living strategies

Prior talks have been hosted by the City of Eugene, Aging & Amazing, and Caregiver Wellness. Also, visit the Natural Capacities YouTube channel for educational videos.

Group Work

Work in community to function better. Engage in facilitated self-learning, practice, and group activities to ignite insights & make supportive connections.

January - February 2023: COMPLETED!

4- Week An Invitation to Self-Care Book Study

FAQ (Frequently Asked Questions)

It’s a collaborative partnership to help you enhance one or more aspects of your life (including work). Together we uncover, envision, plan, take action, and refine the approach to move you toward where you want to be.

For as long as you’d like! The coaching programs I offer are 6- or 9- weeks; client continuation session bundles (e.g., 4 or 6 sessions within six months) are also available at a reduced rate to more flexibly continue our work together.

Typical sessions run about 50 minutes (the first one, however, may be longer based on the program). I will ask you probing questions, listen, and depending on the focus, may also share information or insights to co-create a beneficial path forward. There will be assignments for you to do between sessions, such as tracking progress, reflecting, or completing a worksheet. As coach, I am your thinking partner. My goal is to support you in reaching your goals, so it is not uncommon to also communicate via email between sessions, depending on our work.

When I support you as a consultant, our work is more expertise-driven to meet your needs. I can coach & consult with the same client, but I avoid doing so within the same session, because they involve different approaches.

Like counseling, life coaching is inquiry-based & focuses on matters of life. But, in counseling, the past is used to directly inform the present; in coaching, the present is used to directly inform the future. Coaching is goal-directed and outcomes-oriented. Counseling is diagnostic and process-oriented to facilitate healing.

My coaching programs start at $750 (and installment payments are available). Consultation offers will vary, based on individual need. Costs associated with speaking & group work will depend on the specific engagement.

Although I can’t change how your brain functions, I can help you change how you function with your brain- with no fixing required: (1) As a thinking “guide on the side” with working memory expertise, I can help you create doable solutions to practical problems & help you understand how to improve everyday functioning using your brain as it is. (2) I can help you transform hidden beliefs that undermine & overshadow what you CAN do into more wholesome & affirming perspectives.